All suppliers are on an automatic payment system called Expedia Auto-Pay, which means we will automatically send you payment without [...]

All suppliers are on an automatic payment system called Expedia Auto-Pay, which means we will automatically send you payment without the need to invoice Expedia.

Here is how it works:

  1. On the first business day of the month, the Expedia Accounts Payable team will pull a report of all arrivals/redemptions for the previous month.
  2. Expedia will automatically generate payment for these arrivals/redemptions and send it to you 30 days after reconciliation (plus 3–5 business days depending on your bank) by our Finance Team. Payment is made from an account named Travelscape.

For example, if there were 45 vouchers redeemed on June 1-30, reconciliation takes place on July 1 and you will be paid for all 45 vouchers 3–5 business days after July 31.

After payment, you will receive a remittance advice detailing what vouchers are included in the payment at the email address you have provided.

By employing the Expedia Auto-Pay system we can maintain a consistent payment timeframe and method of payment ensuring sufficient time to process any relevant cancellations.

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