Click on ‘Availability Manager’ in the drop-down menu in the right-hand corner or on your Product list page to begin […]

  1. Click on ‘Availability Manager’ in the drop-down menu in the right-hand corner or on your Product list page to begin managing capacity.
  2. Choose the product from the Product list (or All products if you want to view them all at the same time) you wish to place a close-out on.
  3. Select the specific date or date range you wish to close out using the ‘From’ and ‘To’ fields.
  4. To close out the date select the desired Option and use the toggle function to turn it from On to Off
  5. Click the ‘Confirmed’ button to save.

If you wish to amend the schedule to open up more or remove certain days of the week, see: ‘What do I do if I’m opening up a date outside of my normal schedule?‘

Note: Close out can be removed by using the toggle function to turn the Option from Off to On. Doing so will automatically put the Option back on sale for that date.

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