The booking cut-off period for an Option is the minimum length of time before the product’s start time that it can be booked. For […]

The booking cut-off period for an Option is the minimum length of time before the product’s start time that it can be booked. For example, if a tour begins at 9 AM, and the booking cut-off period is set to 6 hours, it is available to be booked on the website until 3 AM the same day. If you select a booking cut-off of zero hours this means your product is bookable up until the start time.

The shorter the booking cut-off period, the more customers your product will reach and the more likely it is to be purchased. A high percentage of bookings on Expedia and associated sites are booked less than 3 days before the product’s start time, and this percentage continues to grow as consumers opt to purchase their trips last minute using their mobile phones.

You can set the cut-off period in the booking cut-off field of each Option during product creation. To amend the existing booking cut-off, open up a product and go to the ‘Options List’ section. Expand an option by clicking ‘Actions’ and then ‘Edit’. Once at the Option-level, click ‘Actions’ and ‘Edit’ again, then scroll down to the booking cutoff field to set your booking cut-off period.

If the booking cutoff of an option with a start time of 10AM is 10 hours, this means the option ius bookable up until midnight the day before travel date.

If the booking cutoff of an option with a start time of 10AM is 10 hours, this means the option is bookable up until midnight the day before travel date. 

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